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Congratulations to Kaylee Holmes for 1st place!!
AND congrats to Zen Leipzig for 2nd place!!

don't stop now
There's More to Come

What you'll find here are resources for your mental health, sexual health, and physical health. And a whole bunch more :)
Love your body,
As far as we know,
It's the only one you'll get
Need a job?
check out
our Job page
*resume help
*Interview help
*job listings
*quick link to applications
*you and the law

It's about you now and in the future.
Are you ready for it?
Do you have the resources and skills to have a great life?
Are there answers to
Will you be able to support the life style you want
Do you have the skills to get a job
Will your future self be happy with the choices you make today
Is it possible to spend your life doing what you love
Check out Resource Mode
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